Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I am the other
However I find that
The other's not me
Which is interesting

And while the other
(That is, that which
is not me and
which I am)
Uses me much like a book
I use the other much like money

So I am it
While it's not me
I spend it while it studies me
And this raises thought

As if I'm in a box
And it's never there (for it's not me)
Except when I am it
Which is always

I guess that when I want it there
It's there
And when I don't it's not
But if I'm it
               it wants itself
I'm starting to get the picture

And as I struggle with self
As all selfs do
It feels it not yet still
                           fights back
Which I must feel
Even if I don't respond

Being divorce from me
It can be objective
While I, being of it,
Lay slave to the subjective

And in-between subject and object
A verb of dreams
Builds the framework
Of my dichotomy

(c) 1985 Norman Dziedzic Jr.

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