Sunday, March 29, 2020

Covid Ghost Light

At the end of the evening
On every stage
The lamp is placed
The lamp is lit
Waiting for the next performance

This time the curtain fell hard
Almost without warning
The sound boards muffled, the
Costumes stored, the sets brought down
To save the world

And the students of the backstage
Shift from build to
Impromptu strike to a time
Without building, without making
The story come to life

But the ghost light waits for them
Warding off the plain,
The normal, the boring. Ready
To lead each back; to bring to life
The magic that lives within them

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Covid Calendar

The shared calendar, techno-wonder,
Has unified our paths
Apart by miles
Together in time

Quietly connecting to the
Grand and mundane moments
Of each others' lives
Brings comfort to distance

And now we share the deleted.
The recitals, the gigs, the recordings
Each a victim, sacrificed
To save the world

But the music is only waiting
A month, a season, yearning
To fill the slots in the calendar
To fill the slots in our souls.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Why I Care

Yesterday's snow snuck in
    Overnight, mostly

A gift from this world
  Of calm
  And beauty

The forest preserve
   Stopped in time and sunshine
   A black and white image
   In this colored Milieu
   Drew a tear of joy

This world can still
   Amaze me
           Can still
   Stop my breath
   In a good way
           Can still
   Let me know
           Why I care
           Why I care

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Covid Butterfly

We used to laugh and say 
 A butterfly flapped its wings in Brazil
 And triggered a tornado in Texas

We used to think of us and them
        As separate

We used to believe our oceans would
        Hinder the assault

   But now we know
           We are one
       Now we know
       How small an ocean is

   And now we know
       A butterfly
      Or a bat
      Or a 150 nanometer sphere

   Can trigger tornadoes
   Around the world

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Friday March 20,2020
We wear this crown now daily

As peons we thought
         We dreamed
         Though unattainable
How wonderful it must be

But now, collectively
         We know
         We feel
The weight of this crown
              This corona

Saturday March 21,2020
        IN   A      
S          P ACE    
 H      I  P        
S  L    I  P        
S EL        L       
      R I     CE    
S EL        L       
        I     CE    
 HEL       P        
SHE  E     P        
 HEL         L      
      R      ACE    
           P ACE    
      R I  P        
S  L    I     CE    
 HE          A      
S          P ACE