Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Never Again

          In the forest walking
          Walking home I stopped
          To watch a toad
                Across a rotting log.

Lizards grabbing
                       passing flies.
Instinctively led inside their heads.
Not a
              amongst the lot.

                  And even now I hear
                  I hear the freeway
                  Way too near

   My solitude.

                  It's gone.

(c) 1984 Norman Dziedzic Jr.

Monday, May 28, 2012



     I am here ... patient.
     I am here and I - am - patience.
     I am as patient as bedrock and black and silence.
I.   I am here... and you are not very patient.
     You are life.
     You are motion and energy and noise.

     You are life and you - are - oblivious.

     I am growing ... my patient.
     I am growing so slowly.
     Slowly like trees and canyons and space.
II.  I am growing...and you are slowing.
     You are still life but...
     You are wondering and wheezing and denying.

     You are wondering and you - are - fear. 

     I have exploded ... patient.
     I have exploded and I - am - rapacious.
     I am operating and gorging and mutating.
III. I am exploding ... and you are fighting.
     You are hope.
     You are chemicals and beams and invocations.

     You are hope and we - are - patients.

     We are tired ... fellow patient.
     We are tired and we - are - waiting.
     Waiting for relief and peace and closure.
IV.  I am here ... and we are inseverable.
     We linger.
     We are silence and acquiescence and patience.

     We linger and we - are - gone.


(c) 2012 Norman Dziedzic Jr.

Friday, May 25, 2012


In high school they had us read Shakespeare and Hemingway etc.,  and even Descartes and Wittgenstein in a "Philosophy/Religion" class.  That was all fine except when they started to tell me what old dead white guys were thinking when they were writing.  This did not sit well with me and this poem is what came out of my brain after that.

   An iron leg walks the plank of chalk-dust but the balloon
pulls down the wave.  Opening my eyes  :  only pencil cases.
Still chicken little yells, "The sky is falling!"

   Soundless noises  pierce  empty microphones.   And a wall
knocks over the  form of the now forgotten worth  of it all.
Wrapped in (rapped with) ideas of this and concepts of that.

                          I am here
                        You are there
                       He is everywhere
   And  yet all  is lost without  sight  of  the  invisible.
Without hearing the mute they  leave their houses.   Falling
to ashes they  stand deforming.   Without their  key,  their
house, its corners:  a meaningless store of space.

   Up-side-down I can sing a  song.   In-side-out  underwear
can still be worn without anyone knowing.   The shaven beard
grows even in death.

                          I am here
                        You are there
                       He is everywhere
                     nothing more needed
                  Yet too much more expected

(c) 1984 Norman Dziedzic Jr.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Good Night

The mirror I have
  is never nice
 the pictures shown
(though seldom seen twice)
 never fade: I always see
     staring back
       the real me

The mirror I look to
  uses only truth
 I hide the facts
(though full of proof)
I try to run away from there
  from something
   that is everywhere

   the things I thought
   I'd never be
   confront my face
   they're inside me
   nowhere to hide, when from my mind
   no hole so deep
   I cannot find
   me cowering there
   from whom I've seen
   how old he is
   unjust and mean

   A face with
cracked and callous brow
   from hiding pain
  of others; how
    he lives with knowing;
   with all his faults
    puzzles even him.
 I hate him staring back
    and laughing so...
    so hard, so long
   "so what" he says
 I hate him knowing what's inside
    I hate knowing I can't hide.
       The hardest thing I see:
     the mirror
  for I know the one I hate the most
       is me, it's me

 If I should die before I wake
     you'll see him
   just the same as me.
     We are one mind
   though not one blood.
     One mind like taffy
      pulled between
ungrateful hands of greed

 If i should die before I wake
     break my mirror
      on my grave
   for truth is deadly
    when it can't save
   one from one's self

 If I should die before I wake
     don't pray for me
   but for yourselves:
alone, the single both of you

     Afraid to sleep
   I must beware
      one self might kill
    the other there,
     in darkness

       I hate it so
     it must hate me
      ...or, can it love
       so openly?
      Or can't it feel,
       could it be so cold
     not to care
     and leave me
   crying here with no more
   than my rightful due:
sitting in the hole I've dug

   If I should die before I wake
     don't cry for me
                 I drove the stake
   right through the good
         I used to feel
         right through a life
         that wasn't real

(c) 1985 Norman Dziedzic Jr.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I am the other
However I find that
The other's not me
Which is interesting

And while the other
(That is, that which
is not me and
which I am)
Uses me much like a book
I use the other much like money

So I am it
While it's not me
I spend it while it studies me
And this raises thought

As if I'm in a box
And it's never there (for it's not me)
Except when I am it
Which is always

I guess that when I want it there
It's there
And when I don't it's not
But if I'm it
               it wants itself
I'm starting to get the picture

And as I struggle with self
As all selfs do
It feels it not yet still
                           fights back
Which I must feel
Even if I don't respond

Being divorce from me
It can be objective
While I, being of it,
Lay slave to the subjective

And in-between subject and object
A verb of dreams
Builds the framework
Of my dichotomy

(c) 1985 Norman Dziedzic Jr.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Closet

In my closet are many things
A list of five-hundred forgotten kings
An old black book of unplayed songs
A list from God of rights and wrongs

In the closet an old pair of vampire fangs
In the back an unfinished picture hangs
Clothes obsolete and never worn
An old English paper crumpled and torn

On the left on the shelf a red shoe box
Inside a half dozen unpaired sox
Six baseball cards without the names
A rack with all our childhood games

Five posters that glow in fluorescent black light
Three feet of string and a tailless kite
A white telescope with a lens with a crack
An old locomotive and some dusty bent track

Behind an old traffic sign reading "merge"
Three roads to nowhere all converge
(And with my pencil, paper and mind
I can see though I am blind
Can sing and can whistle without using a note
Can travel the seas without raft or a boat
Can learn without ever a teacher near
Can get real drunk without any beer
Can feel though I am locked in a shell
Experience heaven, experience hell
Can run and can fall and without wings can fly
Without ever living can know how to die
With a few well placed phrases and maybe a rhyme
I can solve the world's problems, can travel through time
Never speaking a word I know how to converse
The meaning of life I can give in a verse)
I can travel these roads when I feel real blue
When there's nothing else left, they know what to do

In front of the sign an old sleeping bag lays
Now downstairs I hear that our stereo plays
Picking up all the things that I've strewn on the floor
I exit the closet, close behind me the door

(c) 1984 Norman Dziedzic Jr.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Haze Outside

Haze outside
     the picture falters.
 here between day and dark
 as night
       a sketch
             lacking color

   depth or
          feeling maybe


       When dark the
 lights will form
an outline

  When now the
 shapes loose def-
       the city falters.

Haze outside
(c) 1986 Norman Dziedzic Jr.

Friday, May 18, 2012

After Roses

    The Rose
                  from thorn to petal
                  that never was
                         there found
                                 a smile
                         without a tear.

And thus I know
                   that every face
                                  of joy
                                  has seen a time
                          of harder lines;
                          (about the eyes,
                                         the mouth;
                                 maybe in the brow)

                   {And yet
                    there never was a time
                                 at which
                          on looking at your face
                            I didn't see
                                    a smile}

      And    so    [a rose],
                   from bud to blossom
                   without the need
                                 to separate
                          the tears and smiles.

      And yet
            there never was a time of years
                   (or space of miles)
             I could have placed
                 between two,
                    joined as such,
                        to satisfy a want
                              I knew
                                   to be too much.
                      a thorn
                   and yet a rose
           and yet there never was a time
                      at which
                on looking at a face
                      I didn't
                    see a smile
                       a tear

(c) 1987 Norman Dziedzic Jr.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

a rose



a rose

and yet

a rose

and yet there never was a time

at which

on looking at a rose

I didn't

see a smile, a...


a face

and yet there never was a time

at which

on looking at your face

I didn't see a smile, a...


(c) 1986, Norman Dziedzic

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

City Lights

   City lights
         from darkness
       show; in night
    to make me
A man has walked before me.

      And wondering
         what will be known
             of me,
   I think -
             not the name.

        With no face,
                no words,
          one is left to
              make a stand
      upon ability alone;
         however grand or
       pathetically drone; to
              be exalted or
           thrown away with
               cares from

          And coming to
         the break of day,
    I will walk before the sun
          that I may know
        I walk alone;
     And they may know
  A man has walked before them.
(c) 1985 Norman Dziedzic Jr.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Momentary Distraction

  Those walking by
       Dressed for warmer air,
Force smiles
            To the wind.
        This is only a
   Momentary distraction

  Walking by you,
         It's difficult,
Not to smile;
    But sometimes
       Your face says -
   Not to look.
         It never says,
             To look away.

  Even though I should not,
      I worry.
          Your bare arms and
Legs, to fight the day
  - And not to call
          You frail - 
                I think,
I want to
      Hold you close,
      To breath warm air
      Through your hair,
                 onto your

  Walking by
     I see your smile.
  And being dressed
        For warmer air,
    I long to feel your face
         Nested next to mine.

   However dear,
         I am only a
Momentary distraction.

(c) 1987 Norman Dziedzic Jr.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


 The lights go down
  a momentary blank,
       canvas black,
        empty space
 an endless instant ...
   a forever moment

The curtain goes up
   the book is open,
    parchment white,
      filling space
   an endless dream ...
   a moment forever
(c) 2012 Norman Dziedzic Jr.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Night Time

Night Time
       Wanting, Waiting, Longing.

Wanting sight            but
          more than seeing;

     Touching hands      but
           more than feeling,

        Holding maybe.


         Wanting grasping -
               tightly longing -
         timely waiting -
               holding feelings.
         Wanting not
               for waiting longly,
         Only touching
               timely holding.
(c) Norman Dziedzic Jr.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sendak Sendoff (Once)

... Of course
       I never knew where they were.

For I shut my eyes 
          when I thought I saw them
And I shut my ears
          when I though I heard them
And I shut my heart
          when I thought I felt them.

Was it the Wild Things?
     I suppose.
          But what are they?

"I don't write for children;
     I write, and somebody says,
          that's for children."

We should have known.
We should have known.

No one fears another that completely.
No one knows another that wholly.
No one wakes another that widely.

"I don't write for children."

I never knew where they were
     until I fell;
     until I left;
     until I stared without blinking...

Once I conquered yellow eyes;
Once I conquered the sea;
Once I conquered the forest;
Once I conquered me.


(c) 2012 Norman Dziedzic Jr.

Monday, May 7, 2012

THER W                             S EXCEEDING
                  TO THE NEXT    E   NORMAL TH
                  .  WITHOUT    N    INGS.  US
                  A FEAR OF T  N     UALLY UNS
                  HE VOID ARO U      EEN.    T
                  UND THEM   T              U
                  E N N                  E
                 L     U                L
                I       T              S
               N         S             UNDER ALL
              G          L             THE WORKI
      SEEMINGLY          E             NGS OF TH
      TRANSCEND          N             E WORLD.U
      ING BOUND          N             NKNOWING.
      S.  DISSA          U             UNKNOWN T
      PEARING,           T             O THOSE O
      ONLY TO B           ;            UTSIDE.TH
      E FOUND E            S           ESE  T
      LSEWHERE                             U
                              L         N
                                 E   N  
(c) 1989 Norman Dziedzic Jr.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Three Tomorrows

Eight rotations. Here I sit
     You'd think I'd learn
          To turn
          And not to burn

Three weeks lately.  Movin' 'round
     You'd think I'd see
          How free
          I'd be

Only yesterday.  I'm still here
     You'd think I'd try
          To fly
          Or even die
to leave

Three turns left.  I guess I'll stay
     You'd think I'd know
          Not to show
my thoughts
          How very slow
it seems

One-million yesterdays.  Three tomorrows
   I think no more
      A bore
it is (and after this)
      No more
will it be there
why don't I care?

(c) 1984 Norman Dziedzic Jr.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Near O'Hare
      Near O'Hare
      ...And in the blue
                     with sound
                          no man alone
                 can make.
        a jet passes across vision.
        Though at awesome speeds
                   against the sky
            with ease and almost slow
             (but not without purpose)
                          it moves.

      (c) 1987, Norman Dziedzic